Can a Dirty Filter Stop Your AC From Blowing Cold Air?

Learn how dirty or clogged filters can prevent your AC from cooling properly and how to clean them for better results.

Can a Dirty Filter Stop Your AC From Blowing Cold Air?

It's been a hot summer, and that means you've probably turned on your home's air conditioner quite a bit. If your house isn't cooling as well as you'd like, the best first step is also the easiest: check the filter. A lot of people wonder, “Can a dirty air filter stop my air conditioner from cooling? The simple answer is yes: a dirty filter can create several problems that can hinder the unit's effectiveness. Not to mention that a dirty filter can also lead to premature system failure.

Experts such as Degree Heating & Cooling recommend changing the filter once a month for better results. When was the last time you changed your home's air filters? If you don't remember them or if you've never changed them, your air filters are likely clogged with contaminants, pollutants, and airborne debris that builds up over time. If the air filters are dirty or clogged, it means that the cold air flow from the air conditioning system is obstructed. A dirty air filter prevents aspirated air from flowing through the air conditioner, preventing the system from properly cooling the house.

Air filters need to be changed several times throughout the year. Enrollment in our residential HVAC planned maintenance program includes cleaning and filter replacement services, plus a number of additional services to keep your system in tip-top shape. First, follow the steps you can take at home, such as cleaning the unit and replacing dirty air filters. If you notice that some rooms are harder to cool than others, while others feel constantly cold, you'll want to check the air conditioning filter first.

This may seem obvious, but if your air conditioner isn't blowing out any cold air, make sure it's plugged into a power outlet. The filter prevents dirt, dust and other particles from entering the air conditioner mechanisms. In addition, when dirt particles get stuck in the air filter, it becomes one of the main reasons why the air conditioner does not expel cold air. The last reason that can explain why your air conditioner isn't blowing out cold air is that the air conditioners may not have good service when summer comes.

Whether there is a small amount of cold air or no cold air coming through the system, the problem may be due to the ventilation grilles being blocked or obstructed, causing insufficient air flow. The first reason that prevents the air conditioner from expelling cold air is that the air conditioner filter is not of the good quality it should be. Air conditioning maintenance service once a season is essential to keep your air conditioner in good shape and ready for the hot summer. If not enough air comes in through the vents, it doesn't matter how cold it causes the air to flow through the air conditioner.

Not to mention that when a dirty filter constantly forces the air conditioning system to work overtime, it causes significant wear and tear on the unit. The buildup of dirt inside or outside can clog and damage components, and if the filters are dirty, the air conditioner will not cool properly. To clean the air filter, simply remove the filter from the boiler, remove the dirt and thoroughly clean the filter by running it through warm water. It's important to remember that changing your home's air filters regularly is essential for proper functioning of your AC unit and for keeping your home cool during hot summer days.

Gladys Gildner
Gladys Gildner

Music evangelist. Extreme internet fan. General thinker. Avid coffee specialist. Friendly coffee specialist. Devoted webaholic.