Do Air Filters Make a Difference in Your Home? - An Expert's Perspective

As an expert in the field of air conditioning, I can tell you that the right air filter can make a huge difference in the quality of air you breathe in your home. From dust and pet dander to bacteria, an air filter can help remove impurities from the air and protec

Do Air Filters Make a Difference in Your Home? - An Expert's Perspective

As an expert in the field of air conditioning, I can tell you that the right air filter can make a huge difference in the quality of air you breathe in your home. From dust and pet dander to bacteria, an air filter can help remove impurities from the air and protect your air conditioning system from damage. When it comes to selecting the best filter for your home, it's important to understand the different types of filters available and their benefits. Expensive air filters are usually made of fiberglass, which is a porous material that can trap more dust and pollen than other materials such as cardboard or paper.

Fiberglass is also resistant to moisture and doesn't tear as easily, making it more durable and requiring less maintenance. Pleated filters are also more efficient than non-pleated filters, as they don't need to be changed as often - just once every three months.Smart filters, such as 3M Filtrete smart air filters, use sensors to monitor airflow and can be a great option for those looking for an air filter that lasts longer and reduces allergens in their home. However, these filters may not always be possible in residential applications due to their size. When it comes to air filter maintenance, it's important to replace or wash them regularly to ensure clean air in your home and proper functioning of your HVAC system. If you have allergies or asthma, it may be worth investing in an expensive air filter that removes allergens from the air. It's also important to consider the MERV rating of your filter - most household filters are rated between 1 and 13 (more than 13 are for HEPA filters).

If you choose a filter with a higher MERV rating, you'll have more surface area to filter out particulates. Finally, when comparing the price of a pleated filter to a non-pleated one, you must triple the price per filter of the non-pleated filter to get an accurate comparison. If you don't, airflow problems are likely to arise that increase utility costs and reduce the lifespan of your central air unit's fan. In conclusion, proper maintenance of air filters is essential for providing clean air in your home and for the HVAC system to function properly. When choosing an air filter for your home, it's important to consider factors such as size, MERV rating, and cost - but if you have allergies or asthma, it may be worth spending more money on an air filter that removes allergens from the air.

Gladys Gildner
Gladys Gildner

Music evangelist. Extreme internet fan. General thinker. Avid coffee specialist. Friendly coffee specialist. Devoted webaholic.