What Type of AC Air Filter Should I Use? - A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes down selecting an AC Filter there many factors come into play such as cost effectiveness & efficiency in removing pollutants from your indoor environment - Learn more about different types & how each works.

What Type of AC Air Filter Should I Use? - A Comprehensive Guide

Most people opt for a MERV 8 filter when it comes to air conditioning filters. This type of filter is suitable for most residential areas, as it can remove contaminants with MERV 8 to MERV 13. Hospitals, on the other hand, usually use MERV 14 to MERV 20. Indoor air quality is an essential factor for any homeowner, especially if there are family members with respiratory problems. The right air conditioning filters can make the difference between air full of pollutants and air that is clean and healthy to breathe.

Understanding the different types of home air filters is the first step to getting the best indoor air quality you deserve. Each filter has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, which vary depending on your goal for your home. Some people need HVAC system filters that keep the air free of allergens and other contaminants, while others just need a basic filter to do the job. In general, high-efficiency filters that are also cost-effective are best for homes, but other considerations should include whether there are pets in the home, whether mold or mildew is a threat, and how often filters should be changed. Not all filters are made the same, so choosing the right filter depends on what you need to purify the air.

You'll also want to consider factors like the cost of filters. It's wise to talk to an HVAC professional before making any decisions about air filters. To help you gather information and weigh your options, you can compare the basic pros and cons of each type of filter. People who live with allergies or other respiratory problems may benefit most from HEPA filters. These filters must be adjusted by a contractor to fit your specific HVAC system.

As the name suggests, UV filters use short-wave ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses. When air passes through the air conditioning unit, UV lamps disinfect it with germicidal radiation. UV filters are great for killing microorganisms that could be hazardous to health, including mold spores. One potential danger of UV filters is that they can transform oxygen into ozone, which can be hazardous to health.

Even low amounts of ozone can cause coughing and chest pain, while higher amounts can worsen existing respiratory diseases, such as asthma. While UV filters are great for eliminating bacteria and viruses, they aren't as efficient when it comes to detecting contaminants like dust. That's why they are often part of a larger filtration mechanism, which includes HEPA air filters. UV light is invisible to the human eye and bulbs usually need to be replaced every year, depending on the make and model of the air conditioning system.

Electrostatic filters

use small cotton and paper fibers to create static that acts as a magnet for dust and other particles suspended in the air. The magnetism is strong enough to prevent these particles from spreading throughout the house, making them one of the best options for those who need a filter that can combat allergens.

An additional advantage of electrostatic filters is that they are available as disposable and reusable. When it's time to change the filters, you can decide whether to wash and reuse them or throw them away and buy new ones.

Washable filters

are an environmentally friendly way to save money. The starting price of this type of air filter for air conditioning systems is high, but it should be considered an investment that will last for many years. The starting price is probably all you'll have to pay, since you can simply wash and reuse the filter over and over instead of buying new ones every few months.

Washable filters must be well maintained to ensure that they work as they should. As one of the main types of air filters, they come with maintenance instructions that must be followed. It is very important to ensure that the filter is completely dry before putting it back in. Even the smallest amount of moisture left over can cause mold and mildew to form in the filter and expel it into the air you breathe.

Media filters

, while having a low MERV rating, are an excellent long-term investment for someone who doesn't have a strong preference for HVAC filter types and doesn't need any special filters. Media filters provide the same level of filtration as a filter with a high MERV content but without negative consequences like airflow or static pressure.

In contrast, media filters have a larger surface area which successfully avoids significant static pressure while providing better filtration. Multimedia filters are very easy to maintain and are great for filtering bacteria and other small airborne contaminants. The filtered dirt is sealed in the filter, preventing it from returning to your home. Media filters are also robust and cost-effective, and should be changed as infrequently as once or twice a year.

Fiberglass threads

, spun together to create this type of filter, make up one of the most common types of HVAC filters. It's one of the best types of air conditioning filters because it's cost-effective, disposable, and protects air conditioners and ovens from dirt. Of all different types of air conditioning filters available, spun glass is one of the most effective but if you're looking for an air purifier then a higher-tech option would be more suitable.

These filters aren't known for improving air quality since they can't work too hard and can only trap some of the dust and allergens; therefore they are not recommended for people who have respiratory problems and need a filter that improves indoor air quality. The pleats in these types of filters give them an advantage over other types since they provide more surface area than standard flat panel designs; this allows them to capture more particles without sacrificing airflow or static pressure. When it comes down to selecting an AC filter for your home or business there are many factors that come into play such as cost effectiveness, efficiency in removing pollutants from your indoor environment, ease of maintenance etc. To help you make an informed decision we have compiled a comprehensive guide on what type of AC Air Filter should you use? The most popular type used in residential areas is MERV 8. This type has been proven effective in removing contaminants ranging from MERV 8 up to MERV 13 which makes it suitable for most homes. Hospitals however usually opt for higher grade MERV 14 up to MERV 20 due their stringent requirements when it comes to indoor air quality. For those who suffer from allergies or respiratory problems HEPA Filters may be beneficial as they have been designed specifically with these issues in mind.

However due their complexity they must be adjusted by a professional contractor in order for them to fit your specific HVAC system.

UV Filters

, as their name suggests use short-wave ultraviolet light in order to kill bacteria and viruses present in your indoor environment by using germicidal radiation when passing through your AC unit. While effective against microorganisms such as mold spores they may not be suitable against dust particles so they may need additional filtration mechanisms such as HEPA Filters.

Electrostatic Filters

, use small cotton or paper fibers which create static electricity which acts like a magnet trapping dust particles suspended in your indoor environment thus preventing them from spreading throughout your home making them ideal if you suffer from allergies or other respiratory problems.

Washable Filters

, while having a higher initial cost compared with disposable ones may prove beneficial in terms of cost effectiveness since you can simply wash them instead buying new ones every few months thus saving money in long run provided you maintain them properly.

Media Filters

, while having low MERV rating may prove beneficial if you don't have any special requirements when it comes filtration since they provide same level filtration as high MERV content without sacrificing airflow or static pressure due their larger surface area.

Fiberglass Threads

, spun together make up one common type HVAC Filters due their cost effectiveness being disposable while protecting your AC unit from dirt however if you're looking for an Air Purifier then higher tech option would be more suitable since these cannot work too hard trapping only some dust particles.

Gladys Gildner
Gladys Gildner

Music evangelist. Extreme internet fan. General thinker. Avid coffee specialist. Friendly coffee specialist. Devoted webaholic.