What Problems Does a Dirty Air Conditioner Filter Cause?

When an air conditioner filter is blocked or dirty it can cause many problems such as allergies, mold infestation, low head pressure and suction pressures, energy consumption increase and more. Learn how to prevent these problems.

What Problems Does a Dirty Air Conditioner Filter Cause?

When the air conditioner filter is blocked, it has to work harder to keep up, putting more pressure on the unit and potentially causing it to overheat. People with allergies will suffer if the filter is not cleaned regularly, as allergens built into the interior of the unit become loose and dispersed in the air. Pets and cleaning chemicals can also cause dander, cleaning particles, dust, and other debris to get trapped in the filter and released into the air. If left dirty for too long, the filter can also accumulate moisture, leading to a mold infestation.

Many technicians attempt to add coolant when they experience low suction and low head pressure at the same time, but this isn't always the answer. An undercharge of refrigerant will cause low charging and suction pressures, but that is not the only thing that will cause both pressures to be low. In some cases, a dirty air filter is to blame for freezing the coil and causing low head and suction pressures. Low air flow is often the root cause of this problem. A dirty air conditioner filter will allow dust, dandruff, and debris that should leak into the air duct system.

This restricts the flow of cold air, causing it to accumulate inside the air conditioning unit and lower the temperature. The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system turns on and off from time to time during the day, but a dirty air filter can make those cycles more frequent. According to the U. S.

Department of Energy, a dirty, clogged air filter can cause a 15% increase in energy consumption. Replacing air filters is a simple and affordable step you can take compared to the cost of repairing or potentially replacing the air conditioning system. To clean a reusable air filter, remove it from the air conditioner unit and rinse it in a bathtub or sink with warm water. Shake it after washing to drain any excess water that may be trapped in the filter and allow it to air dry before returning it to the air conditioning unit. Ambient Edge offers preventive maintenance contracts so you never have to worry about a dirty air filter ruining the performance of your air conditioner. To reduce indoor humidity, use a dehumidifier, replace air conditioning filters, prevent condensation, and schedule routine air conditioner maintenance.

If you have questions about how a dirty filter can cause boiler and air conditioning problems, or if you want to repair or install a heating and cooling system in your home, contact Hydes, your Coachella Valley heating and air conditioning contractor.

Gladys Gildner
Gladys Gildner

Music evangelist. Extreme internet fan. General thinker. Avid coffee specialist. Friendly coffee specialist. Devoted webaholic.