7 Negative Effects of a Dirty AC Filter

Learn about 7 negative effects that can occur if your AC filter is dirty. Higher energy bills, overheated AC unit & more. Get AC repair in Phoenix.

7 Negative Effects of a Dirty AC Filter

Your central air conditioner is essential for keeping your home cool and comfortable. But when the airflow is impeded by a dirty or clogged air filter, it can cause a range of problems. An overheated air conditioner, higher energy bills, blocked airflow, lack of air flow, accumulation of dust and allergens, and costly repairs are just some of the negative effects that can occur if the air conditioner filter is dirty. The harder your system has to work to get air throughout the house, the more energy it will need and the higher your energy bills will be.

If the air conditioner filter is dirty, the air conditioner unit will work harder when turned on to keep the room cool, leading to more pressure on the air conditioner and producing a lot of heat. A dirty filter can also block airflow in the ducts and through the filter, allowing moisture to build up during hot, humid months. If the filter becomes too clogged with dust, dander, and debris, the fan will have to work harder to pass air through the clogged filter. If there is no air filter or it is dirty, dust, dirt, and allergens will accumulate in the house's ducts. If you have pets, live in an area with poor air quality, smoke, have serious allergies, have carpets, or if a lot of people live in your house, you probably need to replace your air filter more often.

When changing the air filter, you can vacuum behind it, around its frame and return grille or vent cap. If your system is worn out and suffers constant breakdowns, trust American Home Water and Air for AC repair in Phoenix, Arizona. It's important to remember that a clean air conditioner filter is absolutely necessary for optimal performance. If your air conditioner is working but not producing cold air or reaching desired temperatures, check if its filter is dirty. By taking these steps now you can avoid costly repairs down the line.

Gladys Gildner
Gladys Gildner

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