What Will a Dirty Air Filter Do to Your AC? - The Consequences of Neglecting Your AC Filter

Neglecting your AC filter can have serious consequences for both your wallet and comfort levels. Learn what happens when you don't replace or clean your AC filter regularly.

What Will a Dirty Air Filter Do to Your AC? - The Consequences of Neglecting Your AC Filter

When it comes to keeping your air conditioner in top shape, one of the most important steps you can take is to regularly replace or clean your AC filter. A dirty air filter can have serious consequences for your AC system, leading to costly repairs or a total breakdown when you need it most. A clean air filter will not prevent air from entering and leaving the unit, but a dirty one will restrict the flow of cold air, causing it to accumulate inside the air conditioning unit and lower the temperature. This freezing will reduce the air conditioning system's ability to remove heat from the air and eventually cause the air conditioner to break down.

The harder the fan has to work to get air in and out of the ducts, the higher your utility bills will be. According to the Department of Energy, clogged air filters can contribute up to 15% more to energy consumption. Uneven heating and cooling is another issue that can arise from a dirty air filter. Not only does it reduce airflow and the amount of air being filtered, but it can also cause many pollutants to recirculate to ducts and into your home.

A good air filter helps prevent dust and dirt from accumulating on all of the internal components of the unit; a bad one will cause additional wear and tear that can lead to serious maintenance problems in the future. Changing or cleaning your air filter is one of the most important steps you can take to maintain your air conditioner, as it avoids all of these potential problems, improves energy efficiency, and helps you avoid spending money on costly repairs. Dirty air filters must be corrected immediately and maintenance measures must be taken to keep them clean. If you want a large selection of high-quality air filters at the best possible price, buy your air filter from an original manufacturer. Air filters come in many sizes and there are different types of air filters for specific purposes. To reduce indoor humidity, use a dehumidifier, replace AC filters, prevent condensation, and schedule routine AC maintenance.

A dirty air conditioner filter can wreak havoc on your AC system, leading to costly repairs or a total breakdown when you need it most. A dirty air filter made the entire unit work harder than usual and consume more energy to cool your house. You'll need to follow a schedule similar to that of a disposable air filter and clean it once a month. It can no longer capture air particles, so those particles pass through the filter and pass back through the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and reach the air you breathe. One of the most important steps you can take to keep your AC in tip-top shape is to regularly replace or clean your AC filter before it becomes a dirty one.

Replacing your AC filter regularly is an easy step you can take to extend the life of one of your home's most important investments. Neglecting your AC filter can have serious consequences for both your wallet and comfort levels. A dirty air filter restricts airflow, causes ice buildup on coils or evaporator, increases energy consumption, leads to uneven heating/cooling, recirculates pollutants into your home, causes additional wear & tear on internal components, and leads to costly repairs or total breakdowns. To avoid these issues, make sure you replace or clean your AC filter regularly according to manufacturer instructions.

Doing so will help improve energy efficiency, extend the life of your AC system, and keep you comfortable all summer long!.

Gladys Gildner
Gladys Gildner

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