Is Your AC Air Filter Clogged? Here's How to Tell

If you're having trouble with air flow in your home or if it's too hot or too cold, it could be due to a blocked AC air filter. Learn how to tell if your AC air filter is clogged and how often you should replace it.

Is Your AC Air Filter Clogged? Here's How to Tell

If you're having trouble with air flow in your home, or if it's too hot or too cold, it could be due to a blocked air filter. During a maintenance visit, the technician will check and replace any dirty filters and measure air flow rates. A clogged filter can create pressure in the air conditioning system, which can lead to external allergens entering your home. When it comes to air conditioners, one of the most important maintenance tasks is to change the air filter.

Not only can a dirty filter make you sick, but clean air has been proven to improve physical and mental health. Changing the filter is a simple five-minute job that should not be overlooked. The Department of Energy states that dirty filters can cause a 5-15% increase in energy consumption for air conditioners and heat pumps. Your home air filter should be replaced every one to six months, with an average of every three months. Now that you know the problems a dirty or clogged filter can cause, you'll want to change yours right away.

Each time the heating or cooling system cycles, the heated or cooled air passes through the HVAC filter before entering the air ducts and vents. The purpose of an air filter is to remove dirt and dust from the air before they circulate around the house. To learn more about how to change a dirty filter and repair any damage it may have caused, Avery is proud to serve North Carolina. It would be easier to change all filters on a set schedule, but there are many variables that influence how often a filter should be changed. In addition, there are other compelling reasons why a dirty filter needs to be replaced. When it comes to changing your AC air filter, it's important to know when it needs to be done.

If you're noticing a lack of air coming from the vents in each room, or if your home feels too hot or too cold, it could be due to a blocked filter. If you're unsure whether your filter needs replacing, you can check it yourself by removing it from its housing and inspecting it for dirt and dust buildup. If you find that your filter is clogged with dirt and debris, then it's time for a replacement. It's also important to note that if you don't replace your AC air filter regularly, you could end up with more serious problems down the line. A clogged filter can cause pressure in the air conditioning system, which can lead to external allergens entering your home.

In addition, dirty filters can cause a 5-15% increase in energy consumption for air conditioners and heat pumps. To ensure that your AC system is running efficiently and safely, make sure that you replace your air filters regularly. It's an easy job that only takes five minutes and can help keep your home healthy and comfortable.

Gladys Gildner
Gladys Gildner

Music evangelist. Extreme internet fan. General thinker. Avid coffee specialist. Friendly coffee specialist. Devoted webaholic.